Norfolk-Haldimand Community Hospice is holding a Children’s Day Camp at Caledonia Lions Community Centre on Tuesday, Oct. 8. (a school PD Day).
“If a child is old enough to love, he or she is old enough to grieve.”
—Dr Alan Wolfelt.
“The camp provides a non-judgemental place where they discover that they are not alone in how they are feeling,” Russell says.
With a balance of sharing grief and enjoying time to play, the goal is to provide the children with coping skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
Through discussions, games, art, music and play, the Day Camp provides grieving children an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings related to the loss of their loved one. The day ends with the child’s parent/guardians and siblings joining to view the children’s work and share in a special time of honouring and remembering their loved one.
As a follow up to this day, Community Hospice provides a further 2 hour evening Pizza Party session designed as a check in time with the children and families.
There is no cost to families and preregistration is required. Lunch and Snacks are provided.
This program is open for children SK-Grade 8
Registration is required.
To start the registration process, simply fill in the form below. We will review the information and call you to go over the next steps of the registration process. Each applicant will meet with our bereavement coordinator to ensure that the camp is the best steps for your child.