Our Hospice

Hospice care provides high-quality, compassionate end-of-life services and care to people and their loved ones, addressing needs on every level: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.

Though grief is a natural part of loss, it can also be one of the most difficult experiences of our lives. Grieving is a process and how we grieve is unique to each person. Yet it doesn’t mean we need to experience it alone. If you are living through the death of a loved or are currently experiencing the imminent death of a loved one, we are here to help guide and support you.

Upcoming Programs

The Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice understands the experience of grief can be a difficult and sometimes confusing and lonely journey.  We are here to support you through a variety of programs and support options

A Message from our Executive Director

Latest News

Building hope through dignity, compassion and the strength of our communities.​


10th Annual Menu Launch Dinner

A multi-course romp featuring new menu dishes at Nonni’s, David’s and David’s Ontour.
An evening featuring local suppliers and their products as we continue to lead in local
Complementary Cocktail Hour 5:30 – 6:30
Dinner and Show starts at 6:30
$155 per person with $50 being donated to the Hospice!

Limited Tickets Available – Call Erika at 519-583-0706 for information.